Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Western Numerology

The system of numerology is a method of divination which is also employed in the use of magic. The practice is based upon statement of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, "The world is built upon the power of numbers." Numerological practices and beliefs have survived throughout the centuries down to the present day. An example of this concerns the numbers 11, 22, and 33, that are claimed to be master numbers and must not be reduced to a single digit, which when corresponding to an individual's name prognosticate that the individual is a highly developed person spiritually.


Based upon Pythagoras' previous stated statement, "The world is built upon the power of numbers," numerology became systems of both divination and magic because both systems are based upon the broader concept that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed in numbers which correspond to universal vibrations. Therefore, all things, including names, words, birth dates and birthplaces, are able to be reduced to numbers in order to determine personalities, destinies and fortunes of individuals.

Pythagoras is often called the father of numerology since he made known that the musical intervals recognized in his era could be expressed in ratios between the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also, he displayed that the numbers 1 through 4 equaled the sum of 10. He furthered demonstrated that the cycle of numbers, 1 through 4, could be started again when reaching 10 because all numbers larger than 9 can be reduced by a single digit by adding the digits together. Pythagoras reasoned that the entire universe could be expressed numerically, creating a mystical system expended by other early Greek philosophers.

Throughout the ancient history of numbers certain characteristics and values were assigned to the integers. One mechanism which enabled the assignment of these characteristics was the way in which the ancient Greeks recorded the numbers in dots or geometrical figures. Odd numbers which could not be separated were said to be masculine possessing the "generative parts," and represented assertion, power, and creativity. Even numbers capable of being split into and therefore possessed femine "openings" were considered feminine representing wholeness, stability or weakness.

In the Greek mysteries, the number 888 represented the "Higher Mind." The Greek variation of "Jesus," "Iesous," equals 888. The number 666 represented the "Mortal Mind." In the New Testament, 666 is called the number of "the Beast."

In early Hebrew history the interpretation of numbers was considered highly important. Letters of the Hebrew alphabet was based on numbers, and this relationship was related to the cosmic forces. In the Middle Ages, a numerical mysticism evolved from the teachings of Merkabah, a sect of Judaism. In the 13th century the German Kabbalists developed gematria, a mystic numerical interpretation of the Scriptures.

Both the Greeks and Hebrews held 10 to be the perfect number. Pythagoras considered that 10 comprehends all arithmetic and harmonic proportions, and, like God, is tireless. All nations calculated with it because when they arrive at 10, they return to 1, the number of creation. Pythagoreans believed the heavenly bodies were divided into 10 orders. According to the Kabbalah, there are ten emanations of numbers out of Nothing. The emanations form the 10 sephiroth of the Tree of Life, which contains all knowledge and shows the path back to God.

Gematria: In addition to the occult meanings of numbers , another principle is basic to numerology- -that of gematria, or cryptograph. In Hebrew, consonants are used as number signs, but by providing them with vowels, one can often read them as words and can read words as numbers. A combination of gematria and Pythagorean number symbolism formed the basis for the number magic of the medieval Cabala This allows special reading of the Hebrew Bible to find secret or hidden meanings in the text.

This system has also been applied to Greek and Latin and sometimes the New Testament of the Bible. For example, various personified meanings have been given to 666, the number denoting the Beast in the Book of Revelations. Among these are Nero, Caesar, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, and Napoleon.


Currently the practice of numerology in the occult often involves attempts to discover secret meanings of occurrences and to forecast the future. When used in these methods, numerology become a form of divination, or fortune telling. Frequently it can be combined with other divinatory forms such as astrology, cartomancy, geomancy, and dream interpretation.

When used in divinatory forms, numerology, also, becomes magic. Such magic, as a theory, has Occidental roots but is usually ascribed to Pythagoras. The theory or system theorizes "that all things are number and that numbers influence the essence of things. Thus number is the mediator between the divine and the earthly. So, if one performs various operations with numbers, theses operations also affect the things related to these numbers."

Taboos: On the simplest level this principle can be seen in number taboos. For example, in the American society most people considered the number 13 unlucky. Therefore, things connected with 13 are too be avoided such as the 13th day of the month, especially if it is a Friday, the 13th floor, 13 dinner guests, and so on. As a contrast in Belgium it is considered a good-luck charm for women to wear the number 13. The negativity of the number 13 is predominantly thought to have been derived from the Biblical narration of the Last Super where Judas was the thirteenth apostle. However, an earlier concept stresses its relationship to 12, a good number identified with the Zodiac, which had strong positive associations in Babylonian and other early astral mythologies.

During the 19th century, when scientific discoveries concerning light, magnetism, and electricity were being made, the theory that numbers corresponded to energy patterns of vibrations became popular.

Currently there are several interpretation of characteristics for numbers 1 through nine; the following represents a consensus:

Chart of Characteristics
of Numbers

1 unity, creation, independence

2 duality, emergence

3 power, generative force

4 solidity, dullness

5 sensuality, pleasure

6 perfection, harmony, balance

7 mysticism, psychic, magic

8 material, success, justice

9 spiritual, mental achievement

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are said to be master numbers which are not reduced to a single digit. People whose names correspond to these numbers are said to be highly developed spiritually. The number 33 is that of avatar.

Analysis procedures:

Numerology Chart





The practice is to total the numerical value of a name or word. For example, the name "John Smith".

JOHN = 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20, SMITH = 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 24, 20 + 24 = 44, 44 = 4 + 4 = 8


Determine letter numerical values from chart:
J = 1, O = 6, H = 8, N = 5; S = 1, M = 4, I = 9, T = 2, H = 8

Sum the numerical values of names:
JOHN = 20 and SMITH = 24

Change the values to single digits:
20 = 2 + 0 = 2, 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

The sum of the single digits:
2 + 6 = 8


The name of "John Smith" has a numerological value of 8. From the Chart of Characteristics of Numbers 8 has the characteristics of material, success, justice.


Sources: 4, 9, 29, 61.

Article Source : http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/n/numerology.html

Links on Numerology

Katherine Hansen

Dear Fellow Students: Whether you've just started ENG251 (World Literature) or are a master of early literary works, when you read our early study pieces of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew Bible, you'll notice something a little different - the importance of numerical references. I was intrigued by the use of numerology, particularly references to the number seven (7).

In Gilgamesh, seven is mentioned in the 'gate of seven bolts', crossing seven mountains to reach the Cedar Forest, felling seven cedars to Humbaba's lair, sleeping for seven nights at Utnapishtim's. In the Hebrew Bible passages, creation of the world took place in seven days (if you include the day of rest), Job had seven sons, and the Pharaoh's dreams in Joseph were of seven cattle, seven ears of corn, and seven years of prosperity and drought!

My curiosity got the better of me so I tapped into the Internet and did some research on this topic. Here's what I found ... I started with a few searched on "numerology". Unfortunately most results were links to gambling or astrology sites. Problem? I was using the wrong terminology! What I should have been searching for was "gematria". Gematria is "the calculation of the numerical equivalence of letters, words, or phrases, and, on that basis, gaining, insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas." This definition comes from a website dedicated to Hebrew numerology


that explains how each letter in the alphabet is assigned a numerical value. Although this is a religious site, the definition of gematria changes little from one site to the next. If you want to find out more about gematria, I'd recommend a visit to this site.

Now that I knew what to look for, there was no turning back! Following is a list of websites that I found on related topics. I've included some personal comments, including my thoughts on the information each site contains and the relevance to our course of study. The first part of this list contains links to sites explaining the occurrence on the number seven (7), my pet interest. Other links include references to Pythagoras and Nostradamus, early scientists and philosophers who used numerology in their work. Lastly, where would be without our skeptics?


"Numbers - Symbolism and Properties" contains a very detailed outline of the symbolism in numbers, focusing on those most frequently used in biblical-type texts. With a fairly exhaustive list of links, you can select specific numbers of interest and get information on symbolism, biblical reference, general interest, gematria, and occurrence in various literary works. Overall, this is a good site that has good information both of a general and detailed nature. However, if you're looking for detail, a word of warning: be prepared to spend some time here if you want to get into any detail. I printed off the pertinent information for the number seven (7) - it was 11 pages long!


An extremely lengthy document that explains Basque numerology, but worth reading if you have the time. This particular page takes you directly to a philosophical "discussion" on numbers and their place in the creation and functioning of the universe. The author claims that the Basque people were the true originators of numerology and that civilizations such as the Hebrews, Greeks, Chinese, and Mexicans simply copied the basque system. Grab a cup of coffee and get settled if you want to read this one!


An interesting site put together by researcher John Zachary. Although I was unable to find any biographical data on Zachary, I did find out that he is a published author and appears to have a special interest in the prophecies of Nostradamus. Zachary uses astronomy to scientifically date events in the bible. Included in links on this site is a reference to the number seven. According to E.W. Bullinger (an author quoted by Zachary), seven represents "spiritual perfection". If this is true, perhaps that explains the predominance of the number seven in early literary works - after all, we all strive for perfection.


Another site predominantly concerned with the number seven - this time from a Jewish viewpoint. Like Zachary's site, this one points to seven as being a special number. The Jewish interpretation is that seven represents purification and freedom.


On the surface, this site appears to offer little more than the others in reference to the number seven (7). However, by scrolling down the page a way, I found there was a refreshing twist. The site author brings the mysticism and historical significance of seven into the present day and ties it in to something familiar: the seven days of the week.


Many people know Pythagoras as a great mathematician, inventor of the Pythagoras Theory associated with geometry. Pythagoras believed that everything was related to mathematics, that it could be predicted and measured. From his own research, Pythagoras believed that the letters in the alphabet corresponded to certain numbers ... sound familiar? This website contains little information about the mathematical side of Pythagoras, but does give us some background as to the man, his thoughts, his beliefs.


This site also contains references to Pythagoras and his belief that the world is built on a system of numbers. Links within this page also give you some interesting background information on Pythagoreanism, a style of teaching. I pulled an interesting quote from this particular page: "Although there is a large body of Pythagorean literature, most of it is thought to have been borrowed or copied from Platonic, Aristotelian, and Stoic material ... The seven cardinal doctrines overlap the doctrines of Platonism so to appear that Pythagoreanism joined with, or was derived from the latter." My, my ... it's interesting how that little number seven (7) keep showing it's face!


Robert Carroll, the site's author, is a skeptic of numerology. He does not believe there to be any mysticism or scientific reason behind the explanations of numerology. Rather, he favors "selective thinking", i.e., the process of selecting favorable evidence for remembrance and focus, while ignoring the unfavorable. As he points out, how many times have you read an article, or listened to someone, only to pay attention to the pieces that provide some form of personal reward or interest ... only to ignore the unfavorable or distasteful items? Personally, I found his site interesting ... it offered an alternative to the scientific/mathematical explanations. I hope you enjoy some of these sites. On a related topic, if you're interested in finding out more about mythology and the Gods, I'd highly recommend going to


There are some excellent links on this page to mythology, folklore, religion, and even some of the ancient stories. Happy reading! Katherine

Article Source : http://novaonline.nvcc.edu/eli/eng251/numerology.htm

Thursday, January 10, 2008

History of Numerology

Science of Numbers

Numerology is the Science of Numbers. The word Numerology comes from the Latin word “numerus,” which means number, and the Greek word “logos,” which means word, thought, and expression. Numerology influences every aspect of your life. It creates the blueprint of your future, and it can open the doors to unveiling your own deeper nature, and more.

Your unique combination of numbers created by your name and birthdate can be translated into a personalized Numerology chart. This chart can provide insight into finding your way on life’s journey by offering guidance, identifying your strengths, and understanding your challenges. Learn more about yourself and others, your relationships, compatibilities, finances, and career. Understand yourself at a deeper level by discovering how your personal Numerology affects your destiny. You might say that Numerology is like a mirror that reflects your life’s journey in the form of numbers.

Three Recognized Versions of Numerology
Before you begin this journey of self-discovery through numbers, it’s important to know that there are three formal versions of Numerology in use today; the Chaldean, the Kabbalah, and the Pythagorean or Western number systems. Each version calculates your personal information differently, and therefore gives you a different interpretation of your life. The accuracy of your reading will depend on which system produces your chart and reading. The three number systems are described below:

Chaldean Numerology
The Chaldean Number SystemIn our opinion, the Chaldean Number System is the most accurate system of Numerology known today, as proven consistently by the tens of thousands of readings done for people over the past few decades.Chaldean Numerology was originally developed in Ancient Babylon and assigns the number value by sound as compared to the Western system, which assigns the number value by the sequence of the Western alphabet. The Chaldean number system uses a number formula based on calculating 1 – 8 vs. the Western number system of calculating 1 – 9. The “9” in Chaldean Numerology is considered to be a holy number and therefore is kept apart from other vibrations, except when it results as the sum of vibrations (e.g., from an individual’s complete name). In addition, compound numbers are always used. Single digits represent the “outer” aspects of a person, while double digits reveal the “inner” influences.

Documented long-term research by many authors has continued to validate the accuracy of Chaldean Numerology above all the recognized number systems available today. This system will provide you with the most accurate blueprint of your destiny

The Kabbalah Number System (which means knowledge that comes from the mind and soul rather than through a human being or a teacher) originated in Hebrew mysticism, and interprets only the meaning of the name. The Kabbalah system was developed for the Hebrew alphabet, and therefore has only 22 vibrations ranging from 1 to 400. It was adapted for the Greek alphabet, then further adapted for the Roman alphabet.

This form of Numerology calculates only the name and does not take into consideration the name and birthdate together. Because the Kabbalah system uses only part of the formula needed to construct your destiny blueprint, it is not as accurate as the Chaldean number system.

The Pythagorean or Western Number SystemThe Pythagorean or Western number system was thought to have been discovered by Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher, mystic, mathematician, and astronomer in the period 600 B.C. However, from some earlier recordings, the origins of Numerology may even have predated Pythagoras.

Pythagoras taught that there was a definite relationship of numbers to one’s total life experience. He studied under the Jewish Mystics and the Gurus of India and had been initiated into many of the mysteries of the spiritual teachers of the East and had both used and taught their system of numbers. Later on in life, he founded a school to pass on the mystical sciences to Western students that was based on knowledge from his travels and learned studies. The school was run by a religious brotherhood on the basis of a belief system derived from mathematics, astronomy, physics and philosophy.

Unfortunately, very little of his teachings survived other than a story told by Philolaus, a student believed to have studied under Pythagoras. It is suspected that after Pythagoras’ death, Philolaus declared that a certain system of numbers (we assume his) had been developed and blessed by Pythagoras before his death. Philolaus proclaimed Pythagoras as the “Father” of Western Numerology and for over 2,500 years, people accepted this declaration as valid since there was never any evidence to disprove this claim.

Kabbalah Numerology

The Kabbalah Number System (which means knowledge that comes from the mind and soul rather than through a human being or a teacher) originated in Hebrew mysticism, and interprets only the meaning of the name. The Kabbalah system was developed for the Hebrew alphabet, and therefore has only 22 vibrations ranging from 1 to 400. It was adapted for the Greek alphabet, then further adapted for the Roman alphabet.
This form of Numerology calculates only the name and does not take into consideration the name and birthdate together. Because the Kabbalah system uses only part of the formula needed to construct your destiny blueprint, it is not as accurate as the Chaldean number system.

Western Numerology

Pythagoras was known as the “Father” of Western Numerology

The Pythagorean or Western Number SystemThe Pythagorean or Western number system was thought to have been discovered by Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher, mystic, mathematician, and astronomer in the period 600 B.C. However, from some earlier recordings, the origins of Numerology may even have predated Pythagoras.

Pythagoras taught that there was a definite relationship of numbers to one’s total life experience. He studied under the Jewish Mystics and the Gurus of India and had been initiated into many of the mysteries of the spiritual teachers of the East and had both used and taught their system of numbers. Later on in life, he founded a school to pass on the mystical sciences to Western students that was based on knowledge from his travels and learned studies. The school was run by a religious brotherhood on the basis of a belief system derived from mathematics, astronomy, physics and philosophy.

Unfortunately, very little of his teachings survived other than a story told by Philolaus, a student believed to have studied under Pythagoras. It is suspected that after Pythagoras’ death, Philolaus declared that a certain system of numbers (we assume his) had been developed and blessed by Pythagoras before his death. Philolaus proclaimed Pythagoras as the “Father” of Western Numerology and for over 2,500 years, people accepted this declaration as valid since there was never any evidence to disprove this claim.

The Western number system assigns the number value by the sequence of the Western alphabet and uses a number formula based on calculating 1 – 9. Years of experience prove that this method is not as accurate as the Chaldean method. The Western alphabet assignment totally discounts the most important aspect of numerology–the concept of vibration and the numerical designation of each vibrational pattern. As a result, the Western number system virtually destroys the validity of the name numbers (or any other name number) and their meaning. What Western Numerology fails to acknowledge is the fact that the language of the numbers, coming off our name, gives us the most important facts about the direction in which our lives are unfolding.


Numerology is a respected and ancient “science” that defines who you are and what your destiny is by using numbers in a certain way. The Chaldean number system uses the unique vibrations of the numbers calculated from your name and birthdate to provide insight and to assist you in living a more successful and meaningful life.

Our intent is make you aware that this science exists and to offer an easy way to utilize Numerology to enhance your life by gaining more understanding into your personality, your strengths and talents, obstacles to overcome, inner needs, emotional reactions, understanding others, relationships, and more. In short, self-knowledge is the “key” to a greater perspective on life and preparing you for the future, keeping in mind that ultimately you must make the final choices.

We believe we are providing you with the most accurate readings possible based on years of feedback through consultations using the Chaldean number system. However, there is no information or system that is infallible. Readings are always subordinate to the individual’s belief system and their power to choose who they are now and what they would like to become. The ultimate results depend solely on the past, present and future actions, thoughts, and way of life of the person concerned.

Article Source : http://www.numbersru.com/history.html

Introduction to Gematria - Hebrew Numerology

Interested in Gematria? Read Harav Ginsburgh's daily teaching for the most relevant, wonderful, and inspiring findings. We recommend that you view the pdf file, so as to insure you get the Hebrew right.

Introduction to Gematria - Hebrew Numerology

In Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalence of letters, words, or phrases, and, on that basis, gaining, insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas.

Here is a basic introduction to Gematria that discusses different systems for identifying the numerical equivalence of individual letters, how these letters can be calculated according to the implicit word-value of their names.

The assumption behind this technique is that numerical equivalence is not coincidental. Since the world was created through God's "speech," each letter represents a different creative force. Thus, the numerical equivalence of two words reveals an internal connection between the creative potentials of each one. (see Tanya, Sha'ar HaYichud VeHaEmunah, chapters 1 and 12.)
There are four ways to calculate equivalence of individual letters:

Absolute Value
Ordinal Value
Reduced Value
Integral Reduced value

The Tikunei Zohar explains that the concept of reduced value is related to the spiritual world of Yetzirah. On that basis, a relationship can be established between these four forms of calculation, the four spiritual realms, and the four letters of God's name

Article Source : http://www.inner.org/gematria/gematria.php

What is Kabbalah ?

In the West, Kabbalah is one of the many ways from which a mystic can reach understanding of the Creation. It is derived from ancient Jewish spirituality and it keeps deep wisdom about human and body spirituality.

The word Kabbalah comes from Hebrew Kábbal, which means "to get something".

One of first users of Kabbalah was Abraham. He used the name Abram until the very old age. The letter H (hebrew he) was added at his age of 99. At that time, the God chose him to be "a father of many nations" (Genesis 17:3-5), and gave him knowledge which made him greatest mystic and astrologer of his time ("...and all kings...soon appeared at his door")

Kabbalah enlights the most complex secrets of human existence and can be accessible to everyone, it's teaching is universal and permits everyone to reach highest spiritual spheres.

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Article Source : http://www.exsoul.com/what-is-kabbalah-numerology.php