Thursday, June 27, 2013

Numerology in Cosmological Cycles !

There is Numerology in Astro Cycles Theory and here is the lowdown. 

Astro Cycles Theory

Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Vernal Equinoctial Point precedes one degree in every 72 years. As a Zodiacal Sign is 30 degrees of Arc, 72*30 = 2160 years is one Age Cycle.

Age Cycle                               ( 72*30)                     =            2160 years

Precessional Cycle            (72*360)                    =            25920 years ( as the Zodiac is 360 degrees )

Equinoctial Cycle              (2000*2160)             =              43,20000 years
Cosmological Cycle          ( 2 million * 2160 ) =              4.32 billion years
One Cycle of Brahma      = 100 Brahma years
One Day of Brahma         = 4.32 billion years

If you add all these years, you get the Number Nine, the number of materiality or Man.

7+2 = 9
2+1+6 = 0
3+6+0 = 9

In Vedic Cosmology, One Cosmological Cycle is one Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years is one Brahma Night. Chatur Yuga Sahasram Indra Harina Dinam Uchyathe, one thousand Equinoctial Cycles constitute one Cosmological Cycle or 2 million Age Cycles.

The Vedic Calendar - Based on Equinoctial Cycles

An Equinoctial Cycle comprises of 4 Ages.

Krita Yuga        
           =            800 Age Cycles
Threta Yuga                =            600 Age Cycles
Dwapara Yuga            =            400 Age Cycles
Kali Yuga                      =            200 Age Cycles


Chatur Yuga,             =             2000 Age Cycles
( Equinoctial Cycle )

According to the Bhagavat Geetha

Sahasra Yuga Paryantham
Aharyal Brahmano Viduh

Ratrim Yugaha Sahasrantham
The Ahoratra Vido Janah

Thousand Equinoctial Cycles
Constitute one Brahma Day
One Brahma Night 
Is also of same Duration
And 8.64 billion years
Is one Day Night of Brahma !