There is interconnection between your destiny your planetary posi-
tions & personality characteristics. The universally accepted
system which is the decimal system which uses digits from one to
nine and zero is used by us everyday & this is the principle of
Numerology. The numbers related to your date of birth & name
assumes significance from the perspective of Numerology. These
numbers can reveal your personality traits & prognosticate your
Zodiac Digi-tell Numerology has been computerized on the basis of
intensive research done on the subject and expert findings. The
Fadic Number based on the Date of Birth the Name Number based on
the numerological equivalent of the alphabet & the Birth Number
derived from birth date are some of the main factors analysed.
The compatibility between Name Number and birth number is analysed
The numbers assigned to the letters of the alphabet are A I J Q Y
= 1 B K R = 2 C G L S =3 D M T = 4 E H N X =5 U V W = 6 O Z = 7
F P = 8. No letter has been assigned the number nine.
In Numerology there are many schools of thought. After
intense research we have selected the method which is most practi-
cal & which commensurates with experience & the Intuitive Reason.
All the different methods have been analysed and summed.
Digi-tell Numerology - V8.10 (ENG)
FIRST NAME : R a j i t h a
LAST NAME : V a s u
SEX : Female
DATE OF BIRTH : 0 8 0 7 1 9 8 7
ZDNENG Version 8 102004 /08/17/11
Software: Zodiac Computers East Nada Guruvayur 680101 Ph 2552851
Website : www.eastrovedica.com. E_Mail - info@eastrovedica.com
The Occidental System - The Pythagorean Method
In the West it was Pythagorus who founded Numerology ba-
sed on the Fadic Number.It was in numbers that Pythagorus found the
mystery of the Universe. Zero One and Infinity are numbers. The co-
ncepts of Fadic Number & Integral Fadic number therefore comes from
the West.
The Oriental System - The Vararuchian Method
In the East it was Vararuchi who assigned digits to the
letters of the alphabet ( Vararuchi Krutham Paral Sankhya). Even
though English is lingua internationale ( international language)
it is derived from the mother of all languages Sanskrit. The conc-
ept of Name Number & Integral Name Number comes from the East.Also
the concepts of Birth & integral Birth Numbers.
The Zodiac Integration of both Western & Eastern Systems
Zodiac Computers with its rich research background in
Astrology Numerology and Gemology has integrated both the systems
and has taken the best out of both appreciating the material rich-
ness of the West and the spiritual richness of the East. Both the
schools of Numerology viz the system based on the Fadic Number and
the system based on the Name Number have been integrated.
Basic Calculations
NAME : R a j i t h a V a s u
- this is the name you are known as. As far as you are concerned
this is also the sound which is most produced. Sound waves have
got immense influence on your life --- this is the claim advanced
by the great Rishies of yore who gave birth to the sciences of
Numerology Gemology & Astrology.
More at http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/samplenumerology.htm
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