Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Effects of Name Number 8

Integral Name Number = 17
You will have to face many trials and tribu-
lations.You will not be heartbroken despite the severest adversity
You will overcome all obstacles by dint of your hard work. You
will have fame and wealth.You will do a lot of good for your land
and that fame will live for posterity.

Integral Name Number = 26
Whatever activities you do will end in defeat.
You will have to work hard for money. You will be an idealist in
the initial stages of life.After some time you will renounce those
ideals and a live a loose life. At the last phase of life you will
rectify your mistakes and lead a peaceful life.

Integral Name Number = 35
You will have a lot of wealth. But your friends
will lose it all. These people will not earn wealth through strai-
ghtforward means. You will have to face many adversities. Even if
you escape from that you will be subjected to diseases.

Integral Name Number = 44
You will indulge in activities which relate to
cinema theatre lottery service photo studio etc. You will gain
wealth via straightforward means.You will be doing economic crimes
before the government. Some of these people will be languishing in

Integral Name Number = 53
You become strong as age increases. You can
convert defeat into success.You will be trapped by the vicious trap
of life. The latter half of life will give them some relief.

Integral Name Number = 62
Your domestic life will be marred by clashes. But
you have the ability to convert even hostile enemies into your
friends. But you will become a failure before your relatives.

Integral Name Number = 71
This is a fortunate number. You will have the capa-
city to lead others on to the Right Path. You will be born in a
middle class family. You will attain to fame by dint of your hard

Integral Name Number = 80
You will be a philosphic scholar. Your life will
be full of miracles. Your life will be marked by many crises. You
will escape from such traps and emerge successful in the battle of

Integral Name Number = 89
You will attract all and respect all. Women will
love you. You will have compassion for all and help others. You
will be free from fear. Your body may be bruised in early life.

Integral Name Number = 98
You will be a scholar. But you will be a lamp
in a pot. Your life will be full of miseries and sorrows. You may
also be subject to diseases.

Integral Name Number = 107
Even though you are famous you may be insulted
by women. Even though you are rich you may not have food in time.
The respect which you earn from people will be difficult to be
got from home. You will have to lead an unhappy life despite
material comforts.

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